Pentecost Prayer Initiative:
This year’s Pentecost Prayer initiative is titled “For the Sake of Others” because our prayer is to become disciples of Jesus who live in such a way that we love others to Him!  Being with Jesus, Becoming like Jesus, Doing what Jesus did; living for the sake of others!! 
For the 10 days between Ascension (May 8) and Pentecost (May 19), we will be re-purposing the Loft for exclusive use as a Prayer Room where individuals or groups can spend an hour (or several) in prayer with our Triune God!  
Hourly time slots are available 7 am to 8 pm.  There will be sign up in the lobby on Sunday, May 5 & 12, or an online sign up link, which will be live on Monday, May 6th.   
Come to be with God, come and pray in quietness or in worship, color your prayers, meditate, draw or write a request and post it on the prayer wall or whatever you’d like to do.  Just come!  We are inviting EVERY SOJOURNER to COME AND PRAY for one hour (or more)  during this special set-apart time.  Will you please join us? 

Wednesday Evening Prayer Services - Wednesday, May 8, 7-8pm in the sanctuary. 
Come! Pray! Learn! Share! Rejoice! Repeat!!  ”Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise.“

The Daily Prayer Project is a lectionary style prayer guide that provides scheduled scripture readings, prayers from around the world and prayer points each day. For the current edition, see image below.  

Sunday Morning Prayer: 

Join us before service on Sundays as we pray for our Sojourn ministries and worship service.  Open invitation to all from 9:00-9:30 am in the Loft   

All Volunteer Teams: All volunteers working on Sunday morning are asked to come to the sanctuary at 9:30 am for a brief group prayer

I urge you…to join in my struggle by praying to God for me.”

One way that we can bear each other’s burdens is by carrying them before God in prayer. Whatever it is that you’re carrying, we’d love to pray with you and for you. Just click the image, fill out the form, and we’ll begin praying.